
Friday, January 25, 2013

A Little Red Never Hurt Nobody

red·tro·spec·tion [red-tro-spek-shuh n] n. 1. Red’s action, process, or faculty of looking back on things past. 2. Red’s examination of past events or experiences… 3. Looking back, according to Red

Otherwise known as Renee, the Red thing just followed me around everywhere (damn hair!), along with the Freckle thing- but hey, I’ve since embraced being Red, and have settled into the quirky nickname afforded me by my husband. As Red, I have many perks…

1)  I’m afforded my own disaster relief alerts: A family-wide “Red Alert” is issued by my husband, in the instance I should start getting mad (love that one by the way!), thereby warning all other family members to evacuate or prepare.

2) I have the privilege of being an entrepreneur, a stay-at-home mom, and having the winter season off!

Together with my husband, and children, we own and operate a canoe/kayak livery on the Clinton River, in S.E. Michigan. This allows us to be involved in the environment, advocate for our river, work outdoors, and meet awesome new people every day. Our line of work means helping people make memories, and I haven’t been able to find that anywhere else. Nor have I been able to take my husband and children to work with me every day anywhere else, for that matter!

This is my personal blog, so I’m not on here to plug away my business or anything, but it does, to a large extent, shape who we are and how we do (and vice versa). For instance, I get to be involved in the lives of my 13 and 10-year-old children every day, by scheduling work around family (most times!), so I am available to volunteer at their school, chaperone field trips, and know whom my kids are friends with. I am truly blessed to be able to give so much time to my kids, although my teenage daughter would beg to differ (she’ll realize eventually).

 In addition, nobody goes canoeing in the snow- except for us- so winter is our family time. We head south for backpacking and camping, or stay where there’s snow for snowboarding, ice fishing, or the occasional lodge stay. We love the outside- it’s our church, our serenity, and our good times.

So, welcome to the “Red Zone,” where you’ll see topics on everything from self-awareness, to political debates and controversial topics, and anything to do with being a mom and loving the outdoors. This is where I post the things that I deem necessary of retrospection.

I'm just getting started, but follow my tales and retrospections on Twitter @redtrospection and Google+.